
My name is Yuya Hikima. I work for NTT Corporation and am a Ph.D. student at The University of Tokyo. My interests are optimization and its applications (pricing, transportation).


  • July 2023: Our working paper “Stochastic Approach for Price Optimization Problems with Decision-dependent Uncertainty” has been released on the arXiv preprint server.

  • February 2023: Our paper “A dual active set method for l1-regularized problem” has been published in the Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization.

  • January 2023: Our paper “Price and Time Proposal Optimization for Ride-Hailing Services Based on Individual Utilities” has been published in Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.

  • November 2022: Our paper “An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Wage Determination and Online Task Allocation in Crowd-sourcing” has been accepted to AAAI 2023 (acceptance rate =19.6%), a top artificial intelligence conference!

  • April 2022: Our paper “Online Matching with Controllable Rewards and Arrival Probabilities” has been accepted to IJCAI 2022 (acceptance rate =14.9%), a top artificial intelligence conference!